This blog takes a quick look at two military operations with magical names, Operation MAGIC and Operation MAGIC CARPET: Operation MAGIC As the British worked to crack German military codes, the Americans had a similar programme to intercept and read coded Japanese messages. In a nod to the world of magicians, i t was called ‘Operation MAGIC’. On 25th September, 1940, an intelligence team led by Colonel William Friedman cracked the 'Purple' code the Japanese were then using for their top-secret diplomatic messages. The MAGIC programme, devoted to decoding Japanese radio traffic, was under way not long afterwards. But, American cryptologists had not broken all the Japanese codes by late 1941. This explains why the State Department and wider U.S. Government did not have a complete picture of Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor. Despite the failure of Operation MAGIC to adequately predict Japan’s opening more, its value was undisputed and it remained in use to the end of the war...