H.M.S. Wizard

‘Warship Weeks’ were national campaigns to raise money to buy extra ships for the British Royal Navy. Other government-sponsored fundraising campaigns included 'Wings for Victory' weeks to buy bombers, 'Spitfire Week', 'War Weapons Week' and a 'Tanks for Attack' week. Similar campaigns were ran by other nations. The aim of ‘Warship Week’ was for individual cities, or collections of towns and villages, to raise money to pay for battleships, cruisers or destroyers. Once enough money had been raised to build the ship, the local community would adopt it. Warship Week poster (Source: The National Museum of the Royal Navy, © Trustees of the NMRN) Women’s institutes, churches and schools would provide additional comforts for the crews of the ship they had adopted. This was usually in the form of woollen socks, gloves and balaclavas. Children would often write letters and send cards to the crew. When possible, officers and men from the adopted ship would visit ...