Sawing a woman in half... using a machine gun!!

Will Rock was one of many magicians drafted into military service during World War Two. At the time, Rock was one of America’s foremost illusionists. Luckily for him, the army chose to make use of his magic skills, by putting him in charge of entertainment in a key training centre. Throwing his all into the task, Rock becoming a first-class soldier sorcerer for Uncle Sam. Born William George Rakauskas in Lithuania in 1907, Will Rock and his family emigrated to the U.S.A. when he was five years old, settling in Detroit, Michigan. As a young man he worked at a car factory, but left to pursue a career in magic. Inspired by magicians such as Eugene Laurant, Rock put together act and, by 1928, he was performing in the lesser vaudeville circuits. In 1931 he became an assistant to The Great Raymond, learning his craft and saving up the money needed to mount his own show. Will Rock, 1938 (Source: Genii Magazine) In 1938, two years after Howard Thurston ‘the last greatest magici...