Further WW2-themed magic tricks

In this post, we discover three further examples of war-themed tricks invented by magicians to keep their acts topical for audiences and capture the national mood during World War Two. Cheeri-Boo ‘Cheeri-Boo’ was manufactured and sold by London-based magic dealer Lewis Davenport & Co. The performer shows a set of coloured cards (roughly A4/US Letter size). When cards of leading Nazis Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Goering are shown, the audience is encouraged to “Boo!” . When pictures of HM King George VI, his wife Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Winston Churchill are shown, the audience cheers. To cause some mischief, the magician makes Hitler’s trademark moustache disappear, before making it reappear and move around the dictator’s face in a comical fashion. An example of the ‘Cheeri-Boo’ cards hand-painted by Laurie (Source: Author ’s collection) Advert (extract) for ‘Cheeri-Boo’ by Lewis Davenport & Co in The Demon Teleg...