Even more WW2-themed magic tricks

Even more examples of war-themed tricks invented by magicians to keep their acts topical for audiences and capture the national mood during World War Two. Electro and The Victory Stand Electro was a popular magician ’s trick during World War Two. The effect involving swallowing and reproducing small lit electric light bulbs. It was invented by a magician called Cyro, and first published in Eric C. Lewis’ Studies in Mystery (1941) with the title ‘Lighted Bulbs From Mouth’. Later, the effect was marketed by London-based magic dealer Lewis Davenports & Co. using the name Electro. It received rave reviews from their customers: “Your Electro is the best effect for a good many years,” wrote Danilla in The Demon Telegraph magazine. While Ravelle reported, “I used ‘Electro’ for the first time (publicly) at a troop show last Friday. It was a SMASH HIT, they wouldn’t stop applauding” . The Victory Stand ( Source: Author, courtesy of The ...