New Book: The Colditz Conjurer

*** COMING SOON - FROM THE MAGIC AT WAR TEAM *** The Colditz Conjurer tells the amazing true story of Flight Lieutenant Vincent ‘Bush’ Parker. A school-boy magician from the Australian outback, ‘ Bush ’ left home to become an assistant to a master illusionist. With World War Two looming, he gave up this promising career to train as a Spitfire pilot. One of Churchill ’ s ‘ Few, ’ he fought in the Battle of Britain until he was shot down in a dramatic dogfight. As a prisoner-of-war in Germany, Vince Parker earned a reputation as a persistent escaper. He ended up in the infamous Colditz Castle, a high-security fortress from which the Germans thought escape was impossible. In the footlights of the castle ’ s theatre, this charismatic officer used his magic skills to boost the morale of his fellow prisoners. But, behind locked doors, he applied the secrets of stage magic and escapology to the real-life challenge of getting back home. A remarkable tale of ...